
DOE/NSF HEPAP Subpanel on Long Range Planning for US High Energy Physics


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Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory Collaboration Presentations
Thursday, April 19, 2001
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Physics Seminar Room, Building 510

Organizer: A. Sessler

General Contact: Kathleen Tuohy, 631-344-3845, tuohy@bnl.gov


NOTE: all talk times include 5 min for discussion. Aim presentation for 5 minutes less than the time indicated.

Links are to electronic copies of talks (partially implemented).

DOE/NSF HEPAP Subpanel on Long Range Planning for US High Energy Physics, Thrusday, April 19
09:00-09:30 A. Sessler (LBNL)Overview
09:30-10:00D. Harris (FNAL)Physics at a Neutrino Factory
10:00-10:30R. Palmer (BNL) Feasibility Studies
Replace page 9 with this page
10:30-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-11:00K. McDonald (Princeton)Targetry Experiment and Plans
11:00-11:30D. Kaplan (IIT)MUCOOL Component R&D, Test Facilities,
and University Participation
11:30-11:45H. Padamsee (Cornell) Acceleration
11:45-12:10M. Zisman (LBNL) R&D Plans
12:10-12:15A. Sessler (LBNL) Wrap-up

Privacy and Security Notice
Juan C. Gallardo <gallardo@bnl.gov>
16 April, 2001.