FFAG Workshop
October 13–17, 2003
Brookhaven National Laboratory
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in using
Gradient (FFAG) machines for
acceleration. For proton acceleration, one can have very
high repetition rates and superconducting magnets since
the magnetic fields do not need to be ramped. For muons,
one can achieve high average gradients and still have a
significant number of passes through the cavities to help
keep costs down.
There has been a great deal of recent progress in the
design of FFAGs. Much of that progress has occurred
through a series of small, informal workshops where,
instead of just listening to a bunch of talks, we really
work. This workshop continues that
tradition. There will be talks at the beginning and end
of each day so we can learn about what others have been doing
before and during the workshop, but the bulk of the day will be
devoted to working and interacting with one another to
try to arrive at a better understanding of FFAG design,
as well as trying to come up for designs for practical
Here are some topics we hope to address:
What type of lattice is optimal for different situations?
There has been evidence that triplet lattices are superior
to FODO lattices, but some recent calculations seem to
indicate that this may not true. What about doublet
lattices, as in some recent scaling FFAG lattice designs?
Compare scaling and non-scaling lattices. In particular,
for muon acceleration, it would be interesting to attempt
to come up with a scaling design for the US input beam
and a non-scaling design for the Japanese input beam.
Work on a design for a high-intensity FFAG-based proton
Study design paramters for an electron machine which would
demonstrate acceleration in a non-scaling FFAG.
This list is by no means complete. Suggestions are welcome.